We develop firmware and digital signal processing algorithms for healthcare earbuds by MindMics Inc. from the USA. The developed technology will be implemented in earbuds, giving them the possibility of non-invasive monitoring of health parameters.

Delivered services

Embedded software
DSP Algorithms
System integration
HW revision

Product features

  • Bluetooth audio
  • Digital signal processing
  • Wireless earbuds
Please respect the fact that the rest of this project data remains confidential.

“The Embevity team exceeded our expectations by offering not only advanced developers of embedded and DSP systems, but also offered domain specific consulting that helped us get a working system faster. The Embevity team and our team worked very efficiently together on both software development and research and development tasks.”

Tomasz Szepieniec
CTO of MindMics Inc.

United States

Client origin

Health monitoring

Market branch

Earbud Headphones 

Main buzz phrase