#emc, #compliance, #electromagneticcompatibility
How do we go about it in Embevity?
Executive summary
– No, accredited labs are not necessary in most cases for majority of our clients.
– We do testing in local unaccredited labs and most importantly design products for EMC and EMI compliance.
– Get a crispy test report and design support from Embevity!
It depends
It all depends on the market our client is operating on or his own internal procedures. Looking from the perspective of our local EU market, most of our clients, who introduce their products to the market, by putting a CE mark on the product, declare that they comply with EU directives. This is sometimes called “self-certification”. Client confirms that the product that he is developing meets the Essential Requirements of the Directives.
We have just visited a lab with a very sophisticated piece of equipment. Below you can find a picture from that visit and a glimpse of one of the results form the measurement equipment.

So is it worth going to a lab? Does it have to be an accredited one?
Yes, it is worth going to the lab because you receive confirmation that your equipment is actually compliant with regulations. You also get feedback as to where the problem is, so you know how to improve your project, providing that the lab is willing to give you constructive feedback. That is why it is beneficial to have support of a design house like Embevity during EMC/EMI testing.
You will get buried more in formalities in an accredited lab, get stuck in a longer pipeline and certainly pay much more. Getting support as to how you can improve your product emittance or resilience will differ between the labs.

In Embevity, we provide a well organized report that will guide all the way through the process of obtaining conformity. During the design and EMC test process we define the requirements, design for compliance, test the product in a local lab and create a juicy report where all results and recommendations are stated.